Accueil – English

- In a complex world with multiple data and constantly changing, CALIOM Consulting supports you to better find your way.
- In an economic context disturbed by the health crisis but also by a paradigm shift, CALIOM Conseil helps you adapt to the lack of differentiation on the markets, the loss of reference in relation to the price, the deterioration of the quality of service , changes in consumer behavior, etc.
- To respond to environmental challenges, we believe that it is essential to position humans and living beings at the heart of the strategy.
With CALIOM Conseil, let’s CHANGE things TOGETHER and INCLUDE our common actions in a VIRTUOUS APPROACH to give SENSE to your business et REENGAGE your employees
- Founded in 2007, CALIOM Conseil specializes in carrying out qualitative marketing studies in France and abroad, on behalf of large companies or small / medium firms or public organizations and Consulting, Research, Marketing, Communication, Design agencies. , Eco conception agencies ….
- For more than 10 years, the subjects promoted and dealt with by CALIOM Conseil have essentially focused on environmental and societal issues.
Impact + solutions

AGILITY : from co-creation to delegation
We adapt to your needs, in terms of the mode of intervention: co-creation, co-development, delegation of missions

MULTI DISCIPLINARY approachs & tools
a wide range of tools …
- In the field of soft skills, neurosciences, design thinking method, human centric approach …
- Use of classic survey off and on-line tools (face to face interview, focus group…) and moderation with collaborative tools

our goal is clear :
- Allow you to decide from reliable and relevant data
- Accompany you in a very operational way, to make you actor of your projects
- Building meaningful projects together, while preserving our planet.

It’s happening near us, in France …
Anything that makes sense, contributes to create links and encourages us to get up every morning …
JUIN 2021
Rencontre entre territoires en transition
Collège des Transitions Sociétales – IMT Atlantique
MARS 2021
Enquête sur le Marketing Responsable
En savoir plus en CLIQUANT ICI

It’s happening near us …
Anything that makes sense, contributes to create links and encourages us to get up every morning …
Contact us

Christine Becker Dargent
20 years of profesionnal exprience in the field of marketing
Christine created Cali-Om Conseil in 2007 in France; she manages and carries out qualitative & international surveys for 20 years.
She tries to help international teams to explore and understand users in report with products, services, by identifying relevant insights, with social and environmental awareness…
Christine works with a network of serious and committed partners in France and in Europe.
Involved in non-profit organizations for 15 years
Christine created and manages associations with a societal vocation : education, environmental & societal activities